St Matthew’s CE Primary School Uniform
Children are expected to wear correct uniform at all times.
- Red school sweatshirt or plain red jumper/cardigan
- Navy polo shirt, either plain or with school logo
- Blue jogging bottoms or blue shorts
- Suitable shoes or trainers (not boots or open sandals)
- Red Shorts
- Plain white t-shirt
- Black plimsolls
- White socks
Year 1 to Year 6
Navy skirt or pinafore dress
Grey trousers – long or short
Navy jumper, cardigan or school sweatshirt
White shirt and school tie (elastic for Years 1 & 2, tie-up tie for Years 3 – 6)
Plain navy, black or dark grey socks or navy or white tights
Summer Uniform (April – October)
Navy and white check summer dress
White Polo shirt (plain or school logo) & grey school shorts (not PE shorts)
Flat black shoes (not open sandals, boots or trainers)
PE Kit
- PE kit should be kept in school ALL WEEK. It should be kept in a separate, named bag (see below).
- PE kit should NOT be worn under a uniform.
- Red shorts
- Plain white t-shirt
- Black plimsolls
- White socks
- Outdoor PE (Winter only) - plain dark tracksuit (no large logos or hoodies) and trainers
Swimming (Year 5)
One-piece swimming costume or swimming shorts/trunks and a hat.
School Bags
All children should use a school book bag – no rucksacks or backpacks, please.
Bags for PE Kits
All children should use a small drawstring bag for PE kits (with or without the St Matthew’s School logo).
Children with long hair (i.e. touches the shoulders or longer) must have their hair tied back for health and safety reasons. Hair bands are to be of School colours, plain black, blue or white. Other hair accessories are not permitted. We request that children do not have patterns shaved into their hair, or hair extensions. Extreme styles or colours are not permitted. Jewellery is not allowed as part of the uniform except for a watch and plain stud earrings (not hoops). These items must be removed for PE. Make up, including nail varnish, should not be worn in school.Hijab head dress should be plain navy blue, white or black.
Please label all items clearly
Purchasing branded items of uniform
Branded items can be purchased from the PTA via the school office. An order form is available on the school website.
The school will make sure that arrangements are in place for families to acquire nearly-new uniform items during the school year. Parents should contact the school office regarding nearly new school uniform.
Our policy
We are part of the Frays Academy Trust. This document is part of our Uniform Policy which sets out our approach to requiring a uniform for our schools that is of reasonable cost and offers the best value for money for parents and carers. It explains how we will avoid discrimination in line with our legal duties under the Equality Act 2010 and clarifies our expectations for school uniform. If you have any queries or wish to request adjustments to our policy on the grounds of equality, please contact the Headteacher, who will be happy to discuss this with you. Please also contact the Headteacher if financial hardship is preventing your family from complying with our policy, as we will take a mindful and considerate approach to resolving the situation with you. The policy is available on our website or from the school office on request.