Collective Worship
Worship is an important part of the school day. Everyday the school join together to take part in an inclusive act of worship which is rooted in the teachings of the Bible. In Key Stage One and Key Stage Two, this takes place in one of our school halls. In Reception, this takes place within the classroom setting. On Wednesday we all go to Church together where Reverend Richard leads us in worship. We are also fortunate to receive regular visits from other local Anglican clergy. Once a term, every class lead an act of worship and parents are invited. You can find the dates for these on our newsletter.
What children say about worship:
"Worship teaches us to follow the school values" - Poppy, Year 1
"I like the candles in worship" - Adelia, Year 1
"I enjoy singing songs to praise the Lord" - Hita, Year 6
"Today we learned about gratitude. I will try to be grateful for all that I have" - Caleb, Year 6
"I feel relaxed in worship because of the calm music" - Bella, Year 5
"I enjoy thinking about the old testament" - Ayush, Year 5
What parents say about worship:
"Leading worship gives children an opportunity to stand in front of everyone and share their learning, experiences and build their confidence" - Year 4 parent
"Each child understood the theme and the song really well" - Year 4 parent
"Worship reminded me to forgive people more easily and trust people more easily" - Year 6 parent
"Worship reminded me to continue to trust in God, to be patient and to forgive and forget" - Year 6 parent
What staff say about worship
"I was reminded to be grateful for God's gifts and to look after them" - Learning Support Assistant
"Harvest teaches us to be appreciative of what we have" - Learning Support Assistant
"I enjoy the calm atmosphere, candles and children's singing" - Learning Support Assistant
"It is so lovely to engage with each other spiritually, learning from Jesus" - Teacher
Below you can find a list of the worship themes for Summer 2024:
- Easter: Jesus is alive
- Easter: Jesus meets Mary Magdalene
- Easter: Forgiveness and new starts
- Dealing with change
- Pentecost: God sends his Holy Spirit
- Trinity (baptism of Jesus)
- Parables of Jesus (Parable of the talents, The good Samaritan, The workers in the vineyard, The two sons, The rich farmer, The wise and the foolish builders and The mustard seed.
- Endings and goodbyes
Weekly Reflection
This week we are thinking about Trinity. We have thought about why Christians believe in one God, who is the Father, Son and Holy Spirit and how we can recognise God in different ways.
We have praised God by singing Be Still and All the Love in the World.